Education Cleaning
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Education Cleaning
Australian authorities demand a high standard of cleanliness in education facilities at all times.
We believe in the adage that our youth are our future, and we share Australians’ passion for keeping our younger generations safe and healthy. To this end, we take the cleaning of any education facility very seriously, whether it be early childhood centres, preschools, primary schools, secondary schools, and tertiary education institutions.
We prioritise the cleaning and disinfection of any surfaces that are frequently touched:
Door handles
Light switches
Water taps
Elevator buttons
Toilet seats and handles
Frequently used electronic equipment
And more ..
Cleaning vs Disinfecting
We urge educators and school adminstrators to note the difference between cleaning and disinfecting: cleaning means removing germs (viruses and bacteria) and dirt from surfaces using a solution of detergent and water. A detergent breaks up grease and oil in combination with the use of water. On the other hand, disinfecting is about using chemicals to kill germs on surfaces. We always clean before we disinfect a surface, as dirt can reduce the effectiveness of disinfectants.
No matter whether you need regular cleaning services, or disinfecting services after a viral outbreaks, we look forward to discussing your education facility’s unique cleaning needs with you.